Register for our website by clicking register at the top right of any page.
If you are already registered, you can login by clicking the login button at the top right of any page.
Please fill out the registration information as shown below to complete your registration with our website.
Click on the First Responder Photo Challenger at the top of the page.
Select the category you wish to participate in.
The categories are split up into law enforcement and fire/ems and then further split up by population sizes.
A listing of the categories can be found here.
Click the Upload button to upload your photo for submission.
Please note: if you are not already logged in/registered on the site, you will be prompted to do so.
Fill out the form completely to successfully submit a photo.
Rules and Important Notes from Light Ohio Blue Staff
The contest runs from 9/11/2024 through 9/30/2024. Voting will open at 12am on 9/11/2024 and close at 11pm on 9/30/2024.
Photo submissions will open on 08/11/2024.
Votes may not show up immediately, or vote counts may appear off due to website caching. Each confirmed/fair vote is logged in the database and will count at the end of the competition.
The fairness of each contest will be kept at the forefront of Light Ohio Blue’s mind and as such, anti-cheat systems are in place.
Categories may be combined if needed based on the number of photo submissions in a category.
IP-based voting restrictions may not allow multiple individuals from within one agency/organization to vote using a device connected to their agency/organization’s network. If this occurs, you are encouraged to vote using a cellular device that is not connected to your agency/organization’s WIFI.
Unforeseen errors may occur and Light Ohio Blue Staff reserves the right to address any issues and select the best possible outcome. Any votes that are deemed to be submitted via bot/script or any other methods deemed unfair, will be disallowed. Light Ohio Blue is not responsible for any device issues.
Questions can be sent to We will attempt to answer as soon as feasible.