2025 FUR Responder Winners

The 2025 FUR Responders Challenge was a success! With roughly 303,893 total likes from about 54,000 votes cast, we saw some excellent competition! Although we are listing out the photos in each category that received the most votes, every one of the FUR responders featured in this contest is a winner, not in just how adorable they are, but for what they do daily for their communities.

We look forward to inviting all the participants to be at the May kick off for the Light Ohio Blue campaign. During our annual opening ceremony, we will present awards to all of the winners. More information about this special event will be released at a later date.

A huge thank you to each of you for your participation in this year’s contest and a heartfelt congratulations to our winners!

People's Choice

NYA - Union Township Police

Rating - 24,551

Category 1

First Place

Second Place

Third Place

Category 2

First Place

Second Place

Third Place

Category 3

First Place

Second Place

Third Place

Category 4

First Place

Second Place

Third Place

Category 5

First Place

Second Place

Third Place

Category 6

First Place

Second Place

Third Place

Light Ohio Blue is excited to announce our second annual FUR Responders Photo Challenge! 

Some of our most popular first responders have fur, walk on four legs and also work to keep Ohio’s communities safe. To honor their commitment, we are announcing Ohio’s Fur Responders Challenge. Submit photos of your agency’s fur responders – any K-9 and/or mounted officer is encouraged to participate.

Any public safety agency within the State of Ohio is encouraged to submit a photo of their four-legged animals. 

The photos will be posted for public voting from January 9, 2025, through January 31, 2025.

You can be as creative as you want in showing off your furry friend while highlighting your agency and community pride, but the photograph’s focus should be the animal. This is a way to reach out to our communities and allow them to show support. And the winning agencies in the categories have huge bragging rights (for at least a year).

In May of 2025, the winners of the contest will be presented with their awards during the annual Light Ohio Blue Week kickoff ceremony that will take place in Central Ohio.


Category 1: Population of 100,000+

Category 2: 30,000-99,9999

 Category 3: 15,000-29,999

Category 4: 5,000-14,999

Category 5: 1-4,999

Category 6: Airports | Universities | Hospitals | Parks

Photo submissions are OPEN!